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Zakład Geochronologii i Badań Izotopowych Środowiska

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Absolwent kierunku Fizyka Techniczna, dr nauk fizycznych (2006). Główne dziedziny badań: zastosowanie izotopów Cs-137 oraz Pb-210 i Be-7 do badania współczesnych procesów morfogenetycznych, procesy denudacji i akumulacji na obszarach lessowych użytkowanych rolniczo, pomiary mocy dawek w datowaniu luminescencyjnym. Przebywał na stażach naukowych na Uniwersytecie w Aarhus (Dania, projekt GADAM), obecnie w GGA (Niemcy, projekt ATIS). Prowadzi wykłady, ćwiczenia laboratoryjne i rachunkowe z fizyki ogólnej oraz opiekuje się pracownią spektrometrii promieniowania gamma w ZZR.

Zespoły badawcze


  • Konrad Tudyka, Sebastian Miłosz, Grzegorz Adamiec, Andrzej Bluszcz, Grzegorz Poręba, Łukasz Paszkowski, Aleksander Kolarczyk, 2018. μDose: A compact system for environmental radioactivity and dose rate measurement. Radiation Measurements 118: 8–13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2018.07.016 [Crossref]
  • Moska P., Adamiec G., Jary Z., Bluszcz A., Porȩba G., Piotrowska N., Krawczyk M., Skurzyński J., 2018. Luminescence chronostratigraphy for the loess deposits in Złota, Poland. Geochronometria 45(1): 180–189. https://doi.org/10.1515/geochr-2015-0073 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Moska P., Stankowski W., Porȩba G., 2018. Optically stimulated luminescence techniques applied to the dating of the fall of meteorites in Morasko. Geochronometria 45(1): 74–81. https://doi.org/10.1515/geochr-2015-0088 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Grzegorz Poręba, Zbigniew Śnieszko, Piotr Moska, Przemysław Mroczek, 2018. Deposits of Neolithic water soil erosion in the loess region of the Małopolska Upland (S Poland) – A case study of the settlement micro-region in Bronocice. Quaternary International. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.09.018
  • Wistuba M., Sady A., Poręba G., 2018. The impact of Wallachian settlement on relief and alluvia composition in small valleys of the Carpathian Mts. (Czech Republic). Catena 160: 10–23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2017.08.017 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Woszczyk M., Poręba G., Malinowski Ł., 2017. 210Pb, 137Cs and 7Be in the sediments of coastal lakes on the polish coast: Implications for sedimentary processes. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 169-170: 174–185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvrad.2017.01.015 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Poreba G.J., Śnieszko Z., Moska P., 2015. Application of OSL dating and <sup>137</sup>Cs measurements to reconstruct the history of water erosion: A case study of a Holocene colluvium in Świerklany, south Poland. Quaternary International 374: 189–197. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.04.004 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Tylmann W., Fischer H.W., Enters D., Kinder M., Moska P., Ohlendorf C., Poreba G., Zolitschka B., 2014. Reply to the comment by F. Gharbi on "Multiple dating of varved sediments fromLake Łazduny, northern Poland: Toward an improved chronology for the last150 years". Quaternary Geochronology 20: 111–113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2013.04.003 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Ücinowicz S., Jegliński W., Miotk-Szpiganowicz G., Nowak J., Paczek U., Przezdziecki P., Szefler K., Poreba G., 2014. Impact of sand extraction from the bottom of the Southern Baltic Sea on the relief and sediments of the seabed. Oceanologia 56(4): 856–880. https://doi.org/10.5697/oc.56-4.857 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Poreba G.J., Śnieszko Z., Moska P., 2013. Influence of pedon history and washing nature on luminescence dating of Holocene colluvium on the example of research on the Polish loess areas. Quaternary International 296: 61–67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2012.05.032 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Tylmann W., Enters D., Kinder M., Moska P., Ohlendorf C., Poreba G., Zolitschka B., 2013. Multiple dating of varved sediments from Lake Łazduny, northern Poland: Toward an improved chronology for the last 150 years. Quaternary Geochronology 15: 98–107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2012.10.001 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Kinder Małgorzata, Tylmann Wojciech, Enters Dirk, Piotrowska Natalia, Poreba Grzegorz, Zolitschka Bernd, 2013. Construction and validation of calendar-year time scale for annually laminated sediments - an example from Lake Szurpiły (NE Poland). Gff 135(3-4): 248–257. https://doi.org/10.1080/11035897.2013.785015 [ResearcherID]
  • Porȩba G., Prokop P., 2013. Methodological problems of soil erosion research on intensively cultivated fields in the monsoonal climate of NE India using Cs radionuclide,Metodyczne problemy badania erozji gleb za pomocą izotopu u7cs naintensywnie uzytkowanych rolniczo obszaracii w klimacie monsunowym północno-wschodnich indii. Prace i Studia Geograficzne 51: 69–90. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Prokop P., Poreba G.J., 2012. Soil erosion associated with an upland farming system under population pressure in northeast india. Land Degradation and Development 23(4): 310–321. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.2147 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Porba G., Śnieszko Z., Moska P., 2011. Some aspects of age assessment of Holocene loess colluvium: OSL and 137Cs dating of sediment from Biała agricultural area, South Poland. Quaternary International 240(1-2): 44–51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2011.02.005 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Poreba G.J., Prokop P., 2011. Estimation of soil erosion on cultivated fields on the hilly Meghalaya Plateau, North-East India. Geochronometria 38(1): 77–84. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13386-011-0008-7 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Porȩba G.J., 2011. Use of 137Cs isotope in research of soil erosion in loessial agricultural areas,Zastosowanie izotopu 137CS do badania erozji gleby w obszarach lessowych użytkowanych rolniczo. Prace i Studia Geograficzne 45: 125–142. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Moska P., Poreba G., Bluszcz A., Wiszniowska A., 2008. Combined IRSL/OSL dating on fine grains from Lake Baikal sediments. Geochronometria 31: 39–43. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10003-008-0018-5 [ResearcherID]
  • Poreba G. J., Bluszcz A., 2008. INFLUENCE OF THE PARAMETERS OF MODELS USED TO CALCULATE SOIL EROSION BASED ON Cs-137 TRACER. Geochronometria 32: 21–27. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10003-008-0026-5 [ResearcherID]
  • Poreba G. J., Bluszcz A., 2007. Determination of the initial Cs-137 fallout on the areas contaminated by chernobyl fallout. Geochronometria 26: 35–38. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10003-007-0009-y [ResearcherID]
  • Bluszcz A., Poreba G. J., Snieszko Z., 2007. The basis of the study of the age of the Holocene Diluvium on loess areas of Polish Highlands. Geochronometria 28: 61–66. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10003-007-0022-1 [ResearcherID]
  • Poreba G., Bluszcz A., 2006. Measurement of Cs-137 in cultivated soils from two loess areas in Poland. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 42(2): 181–188. https://doi.org/10.1080/10256010500502645 [ResearcherID]
  • Poreba G., Moska P., Bluszcz A., 2006. On the contribution of radioactive fallout isotopes to the total dose rate in dating of young sediments. Geochronometria 25: 47–50. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Grzegorz J. Poręba, Andrew Murray, 2006. Sediment tracing using environmental radionuclides; the distribution and behaviour of 137Cs and natural radioisotopes in a small loess agricultural watershed. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 6(1-4): 153–161. https://doi.org/10.1016/s1642-3593(06)70137-9
  • Poreba G.J., 2006. Caesium-137 as a soil erosion tracer: A review. Geochronometria 25: 37–46. [Scopus - Elsevier]

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